I really do apologize once again for the hiatus. As I have mentioned, I got a job last March and it's was has kept me really busy, sorry! T-T
Anyway, I'm back, and I've got a lot on my mind so I decided to just make a comeback post about it.
LOVE. People seem to be really hyped about it. I am, too. I know what it's like to be in love. To fall in love. To fall out of love. I know what it's like to give all you've got for someone you love. I know what it's like to sacrifice a part of your life just for someone you love.
As time goes by, how I act in a relationship changes as I grow older. I remember being in High School and love to me (during that time) meant texting 24/7. If you aren't able to reply to my text, not even "doing my homework" is an acceptable reason. When I text, you gotta reply. Those kinda things, it's just so different now. I can't even eat in front of my date back then because I was so self-conscious about everything. How I look, how I chew... How I even feed myself.
Now that I grew older, I realized that what I did in High School was embarrassing and insane. I realized that being in a relationship doesn't require you to text 24/7. Although I do stress that communication is really the key in keeping a relationship strong. But now that I have a job, I would understand it if my significant other won't be able to text me for a period of time because he has a job and he's busy. And I completely understand it because I'm busy with work, too.
It's just so different. That's why when I see and hear teenagers complaining about how they're single and all that shit, it reminds me of how I was before and I just want to let y'all know that we shouldn't rush love. We shouldn't be in a hurry to fall in love. To find someone. The more you hurry, the bigger the chances of you ending up with someone who isn't "right".
I believe there is always someone out there for us. We can wait for someone to stumble into our life but it doesn't guarantee that that person is the one we're going to spend the rest of our lives with. Maybe that person will be the person who will be with us for some time and leave with a new lesson learned in our lives, thus, making us a better person for the person destined to be your other half.
I don't know, I might just be rambling but yeah. Just a random post. I might continue this soon, who knows. I miss my blog and my readers. Thank you for checking my blog from time to time even if I'm not that active anymore. I really do appreciate it.
stay connected
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