Friday, July 18, 2014

Sometimes being a woman sucks

It's like what, almost 3AM and I can't sleep (totally doesn't surprise me). My sleep cycle was fine weeks ago, the latest I'd slept was 1AM so what the hell happened, body???

But my sleep isn't the point of this post. I know my blog is more about beauty, and cute stuff and all but hey, it's MY blog so y'all shouldn't be complaining. =P

So again, to the point of this post. Don't you girls hate it we get our period? I do. This is actually a random thought tonight so since I haven't blogged for a bit cause I got a bit (you mean a lot) lazy, might as well turn my thoughts into posts y'all can read and hopefully, relate to.

Okay. Here's the thing. Periods really suck. Especially on the first few days. If you're a guy and you happen to stumble on my crap blog then you know what period feels like? Like Niagara Falls between your legs. If you can't imagine that, well, it's also like peeing your pants but about a gallon of pee whenever you cough, sneeze, stand, sit basically it will feel like that whatever you do lol

Why can't our periods be always on an exact date. Like, let's say every 21st of the month or something???

Since when was it a good idea to bleed every month??? Seriously of all the things, why do we have to bleed every. single. month.

Yeah, why can't we just get into a coma-like period and when it's over and we wake up, we're all goddesses. Like, we suddenly have shiny, healthy, beautiful hair, pimple-free face, and just seriously beautiful that all men will be mesmerized by our beauty. WHY???

Then one problem we face:

Soooo annoying. That's why I have to sleep on my side all the time during my period. Don't believe those overnight pads on tv commercials cause you know, somehow, you'll still get blood on your bed sheets.

Idk why but whenever I have to buy pads I am always so embarrassed. Is it just me??? And I'm so dead-set on not letting a guy I like see that extra pad in my bag like wtf XD but obviously, if you were my boyfriend I won't give a poop if you see my extra pad inside my bag. Heh.

One thing I also hate is how emotional I get. When I'm on my period I get irritable. Like everything annoys me. If you talk to me, you become annoying.

Then suddenly, every little thing makes me wanna cry. Seriously why does periods do that?

And when you are irritable on a normal, non-period day, men assume that you are on your period. Like wow.

Anyway, abrupt end on this post because it's 3AM and I have to prepare now for Thanksgiving. (Yes, I am a member of the INC) 8 days to go before the Centennial!

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